Compliance – Disclaimer

National Bank of Pakistan, Japan operations’s basic management principles are to “comply with laws and regulations and practice honest and fair corporate activities that do not violate social norms.”

We recognize our vital role in society and the economy. We establish a strong compliance system that can be trusted by our valuable customers and ensure faithful and fair corporate activities.

  • Enhancing our compliance framework, considering preventing money laundering, shutoff relationships with anti-social forces, and response to stringent global regulations regarding market transactions and personal information management.
  • Endeavoring to cultivate compliance mindset for each staff through close communication and trainings.

Compliance Management System

In the National Bank of Pakistan, Japan Operations, important subjects are deliberated at the compliance committee, and compliance is prompted under CCO.

Initiatives to Prevent Money Laundering, etc.

As financial crimes become more diverse and sophisticated, and terrorist crimes continue to occur in various parts of the world, safeguarding and strengthening countermeasures against money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferation finance (hereinafter referred to as “anti-money laundering”) are becoming critically more important for the economy and national security of the jurisdictions in which we operate for our valuable customers by preventing the transfer of criminal proceeds and cutting off the supply of funds to terrorist organizations.

Cutting off relationships with anti-social forces

Under the National Bank of Pakistan, Japan Operations Code of Conduct, we have firmly established a stance to sever all affiliations with antisocial entities that jeopardize the order and security of civil society.

Initiatives to Prevent Bribery and Corruption

In response to domestic and international laws and regulations related to bribery, and corruption, as well as growing social concerns, we are working to ensure appropriate responses. To promote sound corporate governance National Bank of Pakistan, Japan Operations, recognizes the social impact of bribery and corruption, prohibits officers and employees from being involved in bribery and corruption, and practices honest and fair conduct.